Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday NCAA Tournament Thoughts

                 Before I get started, I would like to get e few things off my chest. First, anyone who watched ESPN's 30 for 30 special Sunday night about Michigan's Fab 5, had to wonder why would they even stroke the superficial ego's of these kids and put together a film about them. Yes, I remember them; I was in high school at the time and remember they didn't win anything. To me, their only legacy was the black shoes and black tube socks. That's it! And yes, it was a real tense time in America concerning race relations. The popularity of gangster rap music had worried mother's storming Capital Hill and the L.A. riots permanently changed the fabric and culture of our country. Our country had 12 years of  Republican presidents, this inevitably causing the political spectrum to slide a little to the right. Alumni and fans of University of Michigan basketball may have had a hard time embracing this team,but, to the be honest, any school's Alumni and fans would have a hard time. Society stereotypes races. But, the trash talking, "trend setting" Fab 5 did nothing to try and change the minds of America. But to be fair, it would be a lot to ask of  18 and 19 year-olds to do so. It's not like today, where student athlete's visit children's hospital's and volunteer their time to charities. After both a federal and NCAA investigation, the Fab 5 were found to have taken money and consequently the Fab 5 was erased from Big Blue's record books. It was all for not. Those of you who watched Sunday's movie, it was mentioned that Chris Webber was to have made his mind up to go pro before the national championship against Duke. I found it ironic that the game against Duke ended with Webber calling a phantom time-out which then sealed the deal for Coach K., Laettner and the "Uncle Tom's" of the Duke basketball team. In my opinion, The Fab 5 are still the Fab 5 and still need to grow-up and realize what they were is no more and the only reason we're talking about this is because it's tourney time. They were erased, expunged, deleted. I would rather not have won a championship, than for it to be taken away!

If only the NCAA football committee or the brains behind  BCS could think outside the box  like the NCAA tournament selection committee does. Two of the four play-in games this week plugged the winners into the No. 11 and No. 12 seeds. Now, No. 11 seed Virginia Commonwealth will take-on No. 6 seed Georgetown and UAB will play Kentucky. Now correct me if I'm wrong, if it would have worked out the other way and USC replaced VCU and Clemson took UAB's place they would be worthy of those seeds. The problem I have is why aren't these teams a part of the 64 team field? The four play-in games should only be for the four No. 16 seeds.

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